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La Chapelle Country Dancers
Archives choregraphies
Cours Débutants 2022-2023
1. Arizona freeze
2. Mishnock slide
3. Ab wild hearts
4. Out on the dance floor
5. Some kind of wonderfull
[6. Hooked on country
7. Heave Away
8. AA
9. I'm on my way
10. For my money
11. Intoxicating
12. Fish in the sea
13. Keep it simple
14. Double devil
15. Radio song
16. Always humble
17. Cowboy madison
18. Bullfrog on a log
19. Sweet & texas
20. Mellow moonlight
21. Road house rock
22. Désirable
Cours Novices 2022-2023
Cours intermédiaires 2022-2023
Cours danses partenaires
Cours Débutants 2023-2024
1. AB wintergreen
2. Free & easy
3. Girl in a truck
4. Road house rock
5. I'm never drinking again
[6. Rocket to the sun
7. Back to the start
8. Outta my mind
9. AB wintergreen
10.Danding through the rain
12. Nangelima EZ
13 The morning after
14 Good to go
Cours Débutants 2023-2024
1. I still fall for you
2. Magic work
3. No truck song
4. That honky tonk highway
5. Suggar daddy
6. Kiss me
7. Gish in the sea
8. Honky tonk boots
9. Nangelima EZ
10. Chasing rainbow
11. Me & you
12. Tempo
13. Tippin'it up
14. Dark night
15. Why Indiana
Cours Novices 2023-2024
2 Stepping away
Get in or get out
Rock & rock roll found me
Storm and stone
Fast car
Border collie
Honky tonk minute
White poppy
Irish boots
First meeting
New friends
Dust to dust
Kiss me
Whiskey on the shelf
The one
Day to feel alive
A wee bit lost
Kentucky girl
Tipiin'it up
Impossible love
Cours intermédiaires 2023-2024
Little bit of love
When you're drunk
Far from it
Press rewind
Have a broken heart
Right girl, wrong time
Saturday nights
Come my way
The gambler
Year of the young
Road to Errogie
In walked you
Straight line
Around the fire
Can't pass the bar
Cours danses partenaires
Done partner
Texas waltz
El paso
AB wintergreen
Dance tonight
Bullfrog on a log for 2
Dirty boots
Santa fe cha cha
Billy's dance
Sweet sangria
It's over
Sweet delights
Love ain't partner
kiss me partner
Cabo san Lucas
Your man
Won't you dance with me
Fast car partner
Qui sommes-nous ?
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